Angeline Pacy,
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Traditional Meals with New Insights

​I frequently enjoy the sensational energy I receive after eating a delightful French vegetable sauce called "Ratatouille." 

Traditionally, the French serve this healthy treat over pasta or rice and you can find a traditional recipe here

Make it even more nutritionally potent and anti-aging with my simple modifications (below).

Ratatouille Meets Food for Life

  • When possible, ensure that  vegetables are organic and/or local.

  • The order of operations for which vegetables and ingredients are added to the pan for cooking is slightly different in healthier anti-aging cooking. From left to right, you can see that heavier veggies are added first because they take the longest: eggplant, zucchini, onion, tomatoes, and then herbs, garlic, and extra virgin olive oil added last. This ensures that vital nutrients and flavors are retained.

  • Instead of adding the delicate olive oil first, add 1 cup of water to get sauce cooking. Finer oils are unstable and should be heated at very low temperatures only. Instead, top off the sauce with olive oil and a splash of organic red wine just before serving, in order to preserve antioxidant and nitrone values.

  • Steam, boil (without cutting) or bake an organic spaghetti squash according to standard directions. Make sure that it is flaked into spaghetti-like strings.

  • Serve ratatouille on top of the flaked spaghetti squash and garnish with fresh chopped parsley.

Hemp protein is a high-fiber, inexpensive protein that is family-friendly. There are no psycho-active compounds, but there is big nutrition. I always keep some on-hand in the freezer and it's perfect for emergency protein or creative baking.

Anyone can make whey protein taste great; but only a chef's chef can turn lifeless powders life hemp protein into something everyone will enjoy. You don't need nearly as many ingredients to make a delicious sports-nutrition bar or protein balls as I do here. But, I sure do enjoy the added texture.

When working with Hemp protein, achieving the right consistency is critical to having a tasty treat. Be sure to have enough moisture and healthy fats...

1.) For perfect consistency, mix wet ingredients of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, coconut oil, hot water, vanilla extract together first. Low-carbers can use coconut milk for a scrumptious delight.

2.) Stir your chosen sweetener into the above liquids (I prefer an organic stevia since it's been around for thousands of years; it's safety is well-established) and then add in chia seeds to the liquid in order to reconstitute. 

3.) Next, mix in dry ingredients of protein powder, cocoa powder, coconut and nut flours (I use a half a cup of each to every 1 cup of protein).  

Tip: Make sure that your dough consistency is capable of being rolled into balls (or holds together when spread out). I add in extra virgin olive oil and/or water at this point if the mixture is too crumbly in consistency.

4.) Roll mixture into balls or spread out onto a non-stick container and space evenly on a greased plate that can be stored in the freezer. I prefer to grease a plate with coconut oil or equivilent oil/parchment paper.  

5.) To give an artisan feel, decorate with dried fruits, nuts or coat with melted dark chocolate. Get creative! 

After rolling into balls, I freeze the treats. You can wrap them individually in aluminum foil and take them on the go or store in ziplock bags and take out when needing a healthy snack. These are a great treat if the power goes out too...

Learn more about hemp protein here and for more scooby snacks, protein treats and food art ideas, follow the photos section of @FrenchCookin and @AngelinePacy.

Other Delicious & Healthy Protein Treat Variations